1) Web servers on 68K machines with WEB•FM will NOT update settings info when you click the Update button in the Admin database. Instead, follow 68K installation instructions for selecting the Export... command to replace the prior WEB•FM Settings file.
2) A very convenient web browser interface to updating database settings info is available for PowerPC servers only. To access the "pi_admin.fm" database you will likely have to go through two levels of security with the same username and password: Realm for PI_ADMIN; and the PI_ADMIN.FM admin password. The URL for remote administration is:
3) It's generally a good idea to configure Realm security for the "pi_admin" and "Plug-ins" match strings. The password, if any, for "pi_admin" security should be the same as configured in the Admin database for the "pi_admin.fm" settings.
4) It's VERY important (and not mentioned in the manual) that you click the Default tab in the Admin database and enter the EXACT name of your web server application.
5) NOTE: Template files with WEB•FM are NOT subject to a web server's Realm security checks because the Template name is not listed in the URL. However:
a. The URL directory path IS covered by a server's Realm security checks.
b. WEB•FM will ONLY return Template files in the current relative directory as specified by the URL, and not sub-directories.
c. WEB•FM will only return Template files with a ".html" suffix and a TEXT file type.
6) Web servers with multiple root directories may not allow WEB•FM to find the requested Template file. Generally, the root web server directory needs to be the application folder as well.
7) WEB•FM does not recognize alias's when looking for a Template file.
8) Emailer 2.0 appears to be a very neighbourly citizen as a background application on Mac web servers. For this and other reasons, we recommend using Emailer 2.0 on your server for both sending and receiving email. In this way an email history is maintained and several pre-defined AppleScript's in EdExpert and FM@iler are already configured. If you send email with Emailer 2.0, uncheck the preference "Prompt for connection information".
9) For convenience, a Japanese version of the WEB•FM plug-in for FMP-J is in the Extras folder.
10) A startup.script file is also in the Extras folder. Edit this script for launching databases on server startup. You may want to download AppMenu which is an OSAX that will allow you to auto-select the "Hide Others" command from the application menu with your web server the frontmost application.
11) Please study the EdExpert example database very closely for examples of how to perform various tasks. The EdExpert solution includes clear annotated examples for finding records, creating new records, editing existing records, sending email, and invoking ScriptMaker scripts. The URL is likely:
Release Notes
The following changes have been made with version 4.0 which may affect existing solutions:
• Fixed multiple DoScript execution in version 3.1 on Update.
• Improved updating of portal fields.
• Replaced [next] and [prev] tokens with <next> and <prev> tags.
• Replaced Translation plug-in with Encoder Processor.
• Replaced .raw suffix flag with automatic check for custom HTTP header.
• FindUser now requires indexed Username and Password fields.
Support and Registration
If you purchased WEB•FM 4.0, be sure to register your purchase as described in the manual. If you're using a DEMO of WEB•FM 4.0, note that the demo expires after 7 days.
"How-to" questions on implementation of specific features or solutions may be sent via email to the WEB-FM-TALK discussion list. To subscribe to this mailing list with hundreds of other WEB•FM users, please send an email message directly to requests@webfm.com. In the message body enter:
subscribe WEB-FM-TALK
subscribe digest WEB-FM-TALK
Please review the official HTML 4.0 specification from the World Wide Web Consortium at:
System Requirements
• Mac OS 7.5 or newer with AppleScript.
• FileMaker Pro 3.0v4 or 4.0 for Macintosh.
• WebSTAR API 1.1 compatible web server such as:
- StarNine's WebSTAR 1.3.2, 2.1, or 3.0.
- Social Engineering's Quid Pro Quo 2.0.
- Tenon's WebTen 1.1.1 or 2.0
- Apple's AppleShare IP 5.0.2
If you are not using at least FileMaker Pro 3.0v4, please download the most recent Updater from the FileMaker Inc. web site at http://www.filemaker.com/. Version 3.0v4 fixes several bugs which affect web serving and earlier versions are not fully compatible.